At some point of restrictions and lockdown, we bought something online especially during the holiday. Last year, after constantly encouraging my sibling to buy food online and not only cooked meals, she finally gave in. My sibling and I discovered that buying groceries online on Waltermart was fun . . . and a hassle. I’ll […]
Food and Recipe
The Only Wine that I will Drink (for Now)
Is it a badge of honour to graduate from a university and not learn how to drink alcoholic drink? It could be, if you live in a conservative Asian society having high regard to religion (predominantly Catholic) and education (while still living at parents’ house). As for me, I don’t have any issue with drinking. […]
How I Save on Grocery at Freestone
Note to self: This is your 100th blog post. What? Already? I’m not crying tears of joy. OK. Write more. Looking at my spreadsheet, I noticed that the only expenses that is flexible to budget is my grocery and apparel shopping. The latter is easier to handle. As for my grocery, I need to have […]